Establishments where a special atmosphere is created, where different variables are combined to create the exact equation that produces a feast of sensations for the customer’s senses, starting with sight, passing through smell and ending in an ecstasy for the palate. True architects of sensations and emotions using not only the best products but also pampering them.
Medium and Large spaces with a wide diversity of products to reach a more heterogeneous demand and being places of reference either by history, location and what they represent within our beloved Principality.
Present in Public Institutions such as Hospital Nostra Senyora de Meritxell and the MH Ministeri de Salut.
Representative spaces specialized in dealing with clients, their needs and the choice of the best products to satisfy their demands and expectations.
Present in pharmacies where our values are found at the moment of caring of people’s health.
Proximity goes hand in hand with gas stations where you can find everything you need for your pet at the last minute.